Capital adventures

By marchmont

Oot and Aboot

My locateurs put the alarm on while I was still abed.  I'd woken very early, thinking about TG!  Did domestic stuff in the morning, booked tickets for E and I and then walked, most of the way,to the manor.  I cheated on the last half mile  and jumped a #41.

It took a bit of manoeuvring but we managed to get dad out in the wheelchair and along to the Astley Ainslie where we sat in the sun beside the willow.  It was very pleasant and dad enjoyed it.  But amazing how bad the roads and pavements are and how even a tiny kerb makes lie very, very difficult. It was also quite hard work.  I was accompanied by mum, with the oxygen in her shopping trolley.  Brilliant solution!

I cheated coming home, #24 and #37 up the hill.  It was still sunny when I got back so I sat and soaked up the last of the rays and though about my due west view at La G. 

The locateurs are staying till Monday now. 

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