
By Fisherking

.......why did no one tell me............

.....about the side effects of high dose steroids?

Got back from hospital Wednesday afternoon...........feeling a bit ropey...........the Daughter brought the cats back......they gave me the cold shoulder.

Thursday.........felt awful all day...........headache....unsteady on feet.......queasy.............early night............didn't sleep well at all. up at 8.00 and fed the cats..............Jen and V came round for Reiki.............I felt so ill I  cancelled my session.

After the girls left I took myself off to bed at 11.00............spent 5 hours drifting in and out of real up at 4.00 in agony.......unable to focus...........struggling for breath........blurred vision.......earache...........pain in joints........headache.....waves of nausea......swollen feet and energy. Fed the cats............ate half a bowl of cereal...........and went back to bed by 5.00.

Again drifted in and out of hour hour awake in pain........sitting up because it was too painful to lie down.........eventually came downstairs at 3.00 a.m.........another half a bowl of cereal.........back in bed by 4.00 a.m.

There were times I  thought I was in real the old joke goes.......several hours worried I  might die...........and several more hours worrying I might not die!

Today......up at 8.00................fed the cats...........I'm getting better.......the symptoms are decreasing......but I'm still not over it...........I'm thinking of another early night. The Daughter has been for a quick visit........the S & H has played hockey.............only let in one goal.......and they won!

Hope tomorrow is better............andall the symptoms have gone.

Das vidanya moy padruga

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