
By CharlotteJ

University of life!

Out of all the photos I have taken today, this has to be my blip!

We stumbled upon a forge today that had been turned into a very quirky tea room.

The owner was incredibly unique and most certainly out of a Roald Dahl book!!  She was busy teaching gold needlework to some other ladies who have been commissioned by the Vicar to produce his next robe!!!  She has no needlework qualification or an art degree or a soft furnishing degree or a horticultural degree or a tea room business type of degree (if one exists!!) but she is most certainly proficient in all and her wonderful tea room told her story! My blip is her lovely dog who just seemed to be smiling at me.

We later met another intriguing person...Bob is 6 years older than my dad and is as sharp as a knife!  He has turned his indoor pool into a pond.  why?  because he can!  he charges £3 if you wish to see his gardens, all 30 acres of mixed habitats!!  Another perfectly unique person.

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