Rainy dreary day...

We had a brief dry spell mid morning and i snapped a few shots. Kitty didnt leave the couch in front of the window all day. Sadly my favorite neighbour has sold her home and will be moving nearby. Luckily we will keep in touch as we golf together at Ladies night on Tuesdays. We are very very sad to see her go. The upper left shot is my winter grape/ creeping Virginia which has had to fill in when 3/4 of our ivy died over the past 2 winters. It has filled in on the trellis' in a heart shaped pattern. As it rained so much i was unable to cyle to the pool and back so kept busy at home with finishing painting touches to the outdoor chairs, starting a cable knit shawl for a Christmas present and general fall cleaning! My sweetie was enjoying a round of golf up north with his high school buddies (in the rain, at least it was warm).

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