Night Swim

I was feeling trepidatious all day about the swim, but I did it. Well, when I say I did it, I did and I didn't. There were three distances that you could enter on the 750m course. At 8:30pm the 3km swimmers started their swim of four circuits, at 9pm I entered the inky, black water for the two circuits and then at 9:30 the 750m swimmers got in the water. 

The water was 18.9 degrees and felt really good, but I couldn't get into a rhythm and I struggled a bit for the first part. Twenty lengths in the local pool on Tuesday was not enough preparation for the swim...sigh. Anyway, I swam the course but thought it would be foolish to go for another trip round so I got out after completing 750m. I didn't want to be the one who blew the neon whistle we wore on our would have been a 'Rose rescue in Titanic moment'...I am mad at myself and feel like I failed, but I'm also pleased I got is a strange feeling.

It was a wonderful feeling to be in the water with all the lights of the Quays and a huge full moon overhead. I was also thrilled that my lovely friend Sian, Jess, Charlotte and my neighbour Jennifer came down to support me...they are superstars. When I had dried off and got dressed we went for a cuppa and cake. 

So, I am pleased I got round the course and I loved being in the water at night. I am disappointed in myself for not managing to go round twice, but after the week I've had and with no preparation I know it was just too much for me tonight...a can of energy drink wasn't enough. 

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