
By granpabear


OMG I just wrote this all up, hit publish, and then a big bang and the power went out.  Two hours later, and the power is back on, but this is lost.  I'll try again.
When I was battling the Yellowjackets (Wasps) a while back, a few got in the house.  I dispatched them in various ways.  Later I saw this smudge on the window.  I thought that I had probably swatted at a Yellowjacket with a dirty towel, I do such things, and left this mark.  I didn't do anything about it.  There was something about it that intrigued me, but I didn't know what.  Then the other morning, the light was just right, and I could see that it was the print of a big bird.  I remembered the sound of it back then, and that I had checked for the bird.  When I find one on the deck, I usually pick them up and try to revive them.  He was not there, but he had left his mark.  I can make out the wings, body, and even the legs.  Can you?  I am fascinated by such things.  This morning I showed my wife.  She is not fascinated. And she would like me to wash the window.

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