Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

The Battle Lines are Drawn pt 2

Second phase of attack for Ferd - an extra little help to break the cycle.

I had to get the vets to order this in specially for Ferd as its not one that they normally dispense.

I must admit that I was a little nervous about going in to the vets for a flea consultation one of our previous vets did used to talk down to us :( and of course my old old vets knew me for years but I think the new vets are getting to know us know - well with a mini zoo we are regular visitors :)

Even poor Zara hasnt escaped as she is a house bunny we have special flea treatment to give her as well.

Massive clean is progressing and then house will be sprayed (again) and then will be moving onto the car clean and a good going over with the flea spray.

Has anyone else found that Frontline has let them down?

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