
Once a year the streets in Basel and the surrounding area along the 62 km slowUp route are closed to traffic and open to bikers and inline skaters only. Despite miserable weather quite a lot of people got out of their houses and went for a ride through Germany, France and Switzerland. I didn't really feel like riding in the rain but in the end I enjoyed it a lot (though I rode just 1/3 of the whole route). In fact, I only wanted to check upon Jakub who was working at slowUp. His whole class was there to earn money for a school trip. Poor boy had been sick since Thursday but decided to join his class mates and spent the whole day sitting in a chair in the rain in one of the streets making sure no car gets on the slowUp route. (see the extra) Quite a boring task as not a single car turned up in his spot but that's the only way to secure the route and make this great event happen. 

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