Unexpected but wonderful

James had booked a rehearsal space for the band that he is in.  It is over in Widnes, so I was needed to be taxi service.

I had expected that I would sit in the car and crack on with some marking.  Upon arriving at the venue, discovered that there was a little cafe there as well, so I parked myself at a table, with a brew and got on with it.

What followed, after about half an hour of marking, was an hour of live music and poetry from four different performers.  The poet was on before this guy.  Both were excellent.  Then a young lady, probably a similar age to James, who played guitar and sang so beautifully that I put my red pen down!  Then finally, a young man who is the lead singer with a local band called The Revolvers.  Again, fab voice and amazing guitar work.

SO, although I didn't clear my marking until I got home, I did have a lovely couple of hours that were utterly unexpected.

So, 24 hours since one of my meds ran out and frankly, I am in agony.  So, will have to leave school on time tomorrow in order to get back to get to the pharmacist.  I can't manage another 2 days of this.

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