
By JohnsHat

Saskatchewan Legislative Building

The legislative building is situated on the shore of Wascana Lake in Wascana Park, which according to local lore, is the largest urban park in North America. The building is beautiful with lots of marble on the walls, columns and floors. That is very recently replaced copper cladding on the dome.
Wascana is derived from a corruption of a Cree word meaning pile of bones...prior to European immigration, local Indians cleaned the carcuses of bison on the shore of the trickle of water that eventually became Wascana Lake.
Today was a long day as I drove to Regina (hence the photo of the legislative building), attended my annual nursing school reunion, returned to Saskatoon, joined friends for supper at a very noisy local restaurant and then enjoyed a wonderful concert by our local orchestra. The featured guest artist was Charles Richard-Hamelin playing Chopin's Piano Concherto No. 2...outstanding performance.
That,s more than enough for one day.

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