A walk with a view

Minty and I met up with Bertie and Sammy and their human this afternoon for a walk in the Garadbhan Forest. 

When we came to this wee lochan - can you see Minty? - all three dogs were keen to go in the water, but Minty, despite being the smallest, was the only one who was brave enough to swim out of his depth. It was the only time he got the ball that was thrown for the other two. Extra of Minty with one of his new pals.

We had continued walking another half-mile or so when B noticed that Minty was no longer wearing his new red collar. Oh no!!! We retraced our steps and phew, there it was at the edge of the lochan. I would hate to lose it again so soon! I think there's a fault in the design, or maybe with the material, but the buckle seems to work itself loose.

Anyway, all's well that ends well... and  there's 'Cold Feet' tonight!

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