
The end of a very long but, in Katie world, very fabulous day.

It began with a bath then piano practice, which she made a great job of. We headed out to Bs for her clarinet lesson. She had close to an hour (the joy of not having to make it to school for the normal time!) and she had a wonderful time showing her Eb work, and learning a couple of new notes, and then exploring with the Bb. B said it's going much better than she'd ever imagined it would. They even spent some time on the trill keys which her old clarinet doesn't have.

We cycled to schoool, despite the rain and she seemed to have a good day. Her favourite year 1 TA helps on a Monday so she likes seeing her. It was her group's turn to do Wildlife Club and she drew some cute minibeast observation pictures before it was ICT.

I picked her up in the car and we headed straight to dance. She really enjoys this class. She said they spent the whole class on the barre work & loved that. They also found their teams for a forthcoming project & she's really pleased with who she's with. Hers is a lovely group- good job as they are going to be spending a lot of time together.

We dashed straight from ballet to the first band of the year. She's pleased because she's not the only Eb now- two new 10year olds have started. She was quietly pleased to be the little "big girl" who could help them, who knew notes that they didn't, could do things that they didn't and show them things. I love that she's not cocky about this stuff- she doesn't brag, just gets on with what's needed and quietly smiles when people notice. Then runs and tells me, proud as punch of herself.

She hasn't stopped today- from 7am to 830pm. She's worked like a machine and absolutely loved it. An excellent day, my girl. Good job.

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