Connected By Light

By Sideystar

2012 Olympic Series: The end is near

Well Friday has come Whooo hoo and looking forward to 17:30 off to the theatre tonight to see Julie Walters in The Last of the Haussmans at The National cant wait as Im a huge fan of her work even better as J managed to get them as part of £12 offer they do.
So the Olympics are nearly over it seem like only yesterday that the flame was getting sped up the Thames by Mr Beckham andI was dreading my journey to work but I have to say its been awesome bar 2 part closures my journey has been no different, apart from the extra 80,000 or so extra people in Stratford but even then is cool because the air is filled with anticipation and excitement from the crowds not move out the way I've got somewhere to be or a train to catch don't look at me attitude. It's going to be weird once the world has gone home it will feel quite strange and empty kinda like after Christmas when you've taken down your decoration.

Peace love & Next stop Rio

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