Polly's Pictures

By PollyH

Big Brother is watching you!

When my son took me to A&E which led to me being admitted to hospital, we thought we would avoid the hefty parking fees at the hospital and he parked on an estate nearby with a limit of 90mins.
When he realised it was going to be longer than that he went back to move the car on to hospital premises and we assumed that as it was a Sunday morning the checking on times would be a bit tardy and he had overrun the time.
What we hadn't realised was that sneaky cameras clocked the car coming in to park and leaving. Therefore have now received parking ticket for £95 (reduced to £55 if paid early).  They also have the cheek to charge £1.50 if you use a debit or credit card.  As I am a skinflint I have saved £1 by sending a cheque with a second class stamp!
Lesson learnt - pay the high parking charges at the hospital!

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