
I had a work related meeting in Næstved this afternoon. Næstved is about 45 km from Sorø, but I go there regularly as my dad lives there. 

I finished my meeting a little past 3 pm and then I went to the canal and took the boys for a walk. It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed the walk.

Gollum looks like himself again today. The medicine from the vet is working wonders. Biscuit is a lot better too, but he is an old man (12 in December) and it takes a bit longer for him to recover. At least he barked, when we stopped the car to go for our walk. Not that I like him to bark, but a happy sheltie is a noisy sheltie and he is usually a very barky little dog, but he has been quiet for 2½ day His barking means he is feeling better and happier again.

Our walk today was a bit long for Biscuit, who is still tired from the bug. I will try to make it shorter tomorrow. But Gollum and Hero really enjoyed it. 

After our walk. I met with my dad for a cup of coffee. He is working tonight, so we just managed to fit it in before he had to leave. 

Home to feed dogs - at least they really like the very expensive food from the vet, which they are being fed at the moment ;-)

See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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