Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Is this another one of those golden raspberries..?

..Or is it a 'late-but-it'll-get-there-in-the-pinkness-dept' ornery one?

We'll see.

I was thinking (about yesterdays blip and the characters of dogs in general)..

..Do you suppose even small things (like ants :-) ) have characters (and recognisable faces too?) ?

I expect they do.

Who would ever (EVER) think that all yooman beans look different from one another?

Isn't it just (as Louis Armstrong probably mentioned) a Wonderful World?

In other musings I've been thinking it's Monday all day today.

The good news is that Friday is coming much sooner than
anticipated :-)

But I think Bin Day might have to fend for itself this week :-(

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