Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

TWO bird stations!

Another very late rise - this is getting to be a habit - and it was a sunny morning too, so there was no excuse.

Fortunately I was showered and fully dressed when a neighbour popped in for a chat - now that would be embarrassing at 10am ...

We sat outside in the sunshine and had a cuppa, admiring the still-deserted bird feeder.

Actually, there was a further development in the bird feeder department. Our American friends who sent the bird seed, which arrived first, had also sent a bird station, which arrived today. Now we have two! But we don't have a big enough garden for two bird feeders. Problem solved: Rufus's mum was receptive to the idea of a bird feeder for her front garden, so she can have our 'old' one... Lucky birds in this street this winter.

While JR was at the gym, I gave Archie a whiz over with the clippers. Actually, I did one side, and the clippers were making a funny noise and not clipping properly. Archie, who normally puts up with it, did not like this, as I think it was tugging his hair instead of cutting. And so I stopped. So he has only one side smart and shorn. He doesn't seem to care though. I will have to find a clipper repair shop...

He had a shower before we went down to visit Rufus and his mum, and have a G&T (or two) along with so many nibbles that we didn't need any tea when we came home.

But we did have some anyway - because it was left over Thai green curry. Yum yum.

PS JR rang about jury service, and she is not required at all.

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