True Blue!

Well, summer seems to be back, and I had an unexpected afternoon off work today so I was able to enjoy it!

I have a cleaner who comes on Wednesdays and she lets the dogs out while she does the cleaning, but I got a text message at 1pm to say that her car had broken down.  She'd left the car, got on a bus to Saltdean, but didn't realise that it was the limited stop service, so she ended up in Telescombe Cliffs, and by the time I spoke to her she was trying to work out how she'd get back to Saltdean and then up to our house. I didn't have much work to do and Rachel was in court today, so Nick the other solicitor said that if I wanted to go it was fine with him.  So I stayed until 2pm and then took a late lunch.

I took the boys for a walk down to the coast road and walked along the cliffs and then back home.  As you can see, the sea was a true blue colour today.

Tonight I've been out for dinner with the Breast Cancer Support Group which has been nice, they're a really love group of ladies.

In other news, after a few phone calls, Alan's phone has been found, so they're going to give it to the driver that will be picking him up from Heathrow on Saturday, so that's a relief!

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