
My last day before leave was a further session of the digital champions group, a course organised by The Scottish Government to inform people of the issues and developments in the digital world.

Today the event was hosted in Skyscanner which has grown exponentially in the market. One of the co-founders - Gareth - gave a fascinating presentation on the journey and how they have developed from a bedroom flat to a global organisation.

The office was open plan - and the restaurant area had motivational messages, table tennis and table football. I've never been in such a quiet office. No phones ringing. No conversation. But some apparently relaxed and focussed individuals.

A theme of the day was innovation and drawing on the expertise and agility of SMEs (small and medium size enterprises) and their ability to test and develop things such as mobile apps. The issue for us was what could we do as the public sector to assist and through stimulation of work assist the economic development of Scotland.

For some individual organisations such as CHS that is a challenge with our limited capacity and funding but opportunities may exist through collaborative working. Some tentative thoughts emerging to be explored.

Whatever might emerge the presentation of the rapid and significant development of technology firms in Edinburgh and central Scotland, the creative use of data to assist the greater good, and the key role played by academia was impressive. Some interesting discussion on how to stimulate interest in the younger generation through the curriculum, and on whether the risk appetite in the public sector militates against innovation.

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