Stafford Revisited

In one of my favorite activities of the year, I've been asked back to Mac High to guest speak about the poetry of William Stafford. The class this year is gregarious and fun, going with me on the themes of Stafford's work. It's really fun...and an honor to be considered the local guru on an American and Northwest genius and scribe. His work is so important, especially his words against war and for peace, and they will always remain relevant.

As evidence of this, the first poem the class wanted to talk about was "Learning". We talk about Stafford's anti-war views, and they pointed out the at-odds viewpoint in this poem. 

While I love talking with these kids about the importance of this poet and his writing, it's sad that his words against war and the real enemy are still alive today. 


by William Stafford

A piccolo played, then a drum.
Feet began to come - a part
of the music. Here came a horse, 
clippety clop, away.

My mother said, "Don't run -
the army is after someone
other than us. If you stay
you'll learn our enemy."

Then he came, the speaker. He stood
in the square. He told us who
to hate. I watched my mother's face,
its quiet. "That's him," she said.

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