Life through the lens...

By ValC

Quay side

This is a back blip for yesterday. (21st) as
I didn't get home from the committee meeting until nearly midnight.
Not that the meeting went on for so long, but the nibbles and chat afterwards did!
This is the view from L&D's new flat on the riverside in Leeds. Not quite the shot I had hoped for, but they are on the first floor.
Mr C kindly drove me there as he didn't want me to be out and about in Leeds on my own after dark.
Also he and D then went out for a drink while we had the meeting.
Really enjoyed a pint or two in The Scarborough pub, before returning to join us for the nibbles!
There was a lot to discuss as it was our year end, but we managed to get through it all.
Unfortunately for Mr C I don't think we will be having any more meetings there as our friends are only renting while they look for a new house.

Thank you all for the kind comments stars and hearts for my TT bee.
A nice surprise to reach popular page 3 as it was a bit of a fluke shot.

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