Oh My Days!

By lovelupins17

Birthdays, birthdays, birthdays.... :)

Dad's, Jess' and Amelia's birthdays all within the next 6 days.... September's always been a busy month... and another reason why I love September so.  
Dad's today..... 
Me, Jess and Chino visited him....
Bless him, he was in fine spirit, despite his diagnosis of dementia this week.  We all know his memory is fading and daily tasks are becoming more difficult, whatever its label :(
Tuesday evening out with a friend to the Cow and Calf pub... oh we nattered... and covered some stuff I tell ya!
Last night, a baking night....
Jess for tea tonight... she liked her cake....(you can't tell, but the cake is heart shaped :)
And I'm away to the seaside tomoz........... I'm so excited - one on my tick list :))))

PS... my much loved Sony has gone in to have its screen repaired under warranty, a known problem it seems, gosh I'm missing it.... :(
BUT a huge THANK YOU to lovely blipper Photopete, who's lent me his Sony, lenses, and a backpack of goodies whilst mine is away... you are such a dude my friend!!! :) x

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