Traffic light sky

Slept well again......woken up by the machine hat flattens aggregate, one of our neighbours is having a block paved drive laid. This was followed by a low loader reversing the drive to deliver next door, then the binmen arrived, followed by the wheelie bin cleaner man with his power chance of getting back to sleep!!! ;-)

Quick fruit,and cereal for breakfast, then a walk to the shop for a paper, bread and milk.
A coffee at home before I tackled the packing.
Once I'd got everything out, and the landing looked like a laundry, I started to wonder if I'd get 3 weeks worth in to our two medium sized cases?!!!

Had a break for lunch, toasted bagel with cheese and tomatoe. Then back to it.

By four I'd finished, it all went it and I didn't even need the expander zips undone, how good was that!! Checked the weight, all good, :-). It's surprising how you get used to packing when you get to go away regularly, doesn't take too long really! I'd much rather do it all in one go personally :-)

We then popped round to see daughter and granddaughter as we won't see them for a few weeks. I took my camera so I could grab a blip, didn't expect to be posting this.........the sky in front of us, whilst sat at the traffic lights on our way home about 7.30!!

A late dinner, haddock, potatoe croquettes and green beans......neither of us overly enjoyed it. That's the last cooking for me for a little while ;-)

I'll try and post daily, comments might be thin on the ground, even thinner than they have been :-/

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