Opening of the New Beach.....Altea

About 4 million Euros have been spent, to develop and create a New Beach, in Altea.
It has taken a lot of planning, Red Tape, and engineering skill to create this New Beach....previously there had been a sea wall and a lagoon; but the water became stagnant: and the sea walls were broken in winter storms.
Today the New Beach was opened, by the current Mayor of Altea, and his predecessor, who had worked so hard on this project.
The public were asked to vote for a name for the beach, and I think the choosen name is, L'Espignon......Valenciano for Break Water.
I have a great girlfriend......a true Alteano....who has sent me her photo of the New Beach, which she loves!....and this is today's Blip!
In the next few days, I shall go walking along to Altea.....
with the completion of the New'll be possible to walk along the promenade and road from The Anchor in Albir, to the far end of Altea, next to the mouth of the Rio Algar.... a distance of just more than 5'll be wonderful!!

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