I've never taken a photo in a freezer before.
Today was a day of challenges:
- how to care for CarbBoy when he politely knocks on my door at 5am saying he's very poorly, but he won't get into bed with me, and I'm too shattered to get up and sit with him.
- explaining hard stuff with tact and subtlety in French.
- touching the icky insides of tomatoes really loads without gagging. Though the new-to-me oven cooking technique is a winner, since I can leave the house with the oven on, but never feel I can with the hob on in case a bat sets the house on fire (two ground floor bat evictions this week. TallGirl is a star at that kind of thing.)
- CarbBoy's word family homework (a verb in the same family as 'gaie' anyone?*)
- trying to remember how to do anything in PC Excel (TallGirl's homework. I think if use of Excel is compulsory, they should get training. And why can't these things come up when Mr 'Just set the print area' B is here?)
- working how many molecules of some godforsaken compound are in a 1.5 litre bottle. I mean wtaf. TallGirl's maths teacher is clearly on something.
- explaining to my neighbour how to make a Swiss roll (give him a good shove) without somehow being able to remember any words that might be useful.
After (actually, in the middle of) all that, hacking down a forest of saplings was light relief. Particularly as it was accompanied by the Haitian revolution.
Tomorrow brings more craziness than I want to think about.
* égayer, we think.
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