Music is the clue!

I heard the music and thought "my blip for today"

A trip to Cambridge this morning to get a card and present for a wedding do on Sunday evening, that we have been invited to. One of B's athletes is getting married. I've briefly met the couple and a few of the athletes, but I don't expect to know anyone else!! This will be interesting!!

I also bought the backing material for Phoebe, who is being stretched at present.

Lunch was at our usual haunt in a converted church. I chose a beef burger!! Something I haven't had for years, it was really tasty and the healthy selection of salad which accompanied it eased my conscience!!

As we walked back to the Park & Ride bus I heard the music!!! Peru....Machu Picchu......wonderful memories from our holiday to South America last year!!
.......Reminder to me....get sorted old girl and do some back blipping!!

The bloke in the background with a black tee shirt & smoking, wandered round taking a picture in between each puff on his fag. Wondered if he was a fellow blipper or just a tourist!!

The city has so much of interest to offer within a short walking distance. From the market square and street cafes, to the bikes and event adverts, on to the quirky architecture in the side streets!!

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