
By comettitun

The nike shoes,stand, krar, toy train track switch

        Human Geography Photo Journal Questions

A)What is going on the the photo?
a.) The activity going on the photo does not
 have much energy but, the objects in the photo are very interesting and very different from one another, it was taken at 8:01 PM on 9/22/16. The objects shown in the image are an African musical instrument from Ethiopia known as a krar, a pair of nike shoes, a train track switch toy, and a piano stand holding the krar.

B.)How is it related to a specific human geography concept from the current or previous units?
b.)The photo is related to the geographic concept of diffusion. The objects shown in the picture have products that are manufactured in other places of the world. The krar was made in local shops in Ethiopia
the piano stand was made in Hamamatsu Shizuoka, japan, the train track switch was made in "Thomas and friends merchandise" factories around the world, and the nike shoes were made in India, Mexico, south Korea and Taiwan. The locations listed are the hearths of the objects in the picture. Over time the items in the picture were at one point much less available than in other places outside of the main region they were sold at in the small uncommon stores to purchase the objects.

C.) Link the image to one of the five themes of geography (location, place, human- environmental interaction, movement, and region) with an explanation of how it relates.
c.) The image shown is interacts with humans by being still for pictures and being moved and/or adjusted for pictures taken by me. Ways the environment is modified are my little brother playing with the train track switch toy and my Dad practices music on the krar or takes the piano stand so he can play music on his keyboard piano. The shoes are used by my brother to play outside and the wall is for making everything a part of the house and not be outside.

(word count 270)

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