
I didn't have a photo I loved good thing it is Abstract Thursday.....I had fun playing with a simple photo and this is what I came up. 
Doctor appointments with Hubby today....another test tomorrow.....then more next week. So far so good....hopefully he will be done with all this before we are supposed to leave on vacation next month.
Portland is still Summer like.....or maybe it is more like a beautiful early fall day at about 73 F......leaves are changing..... it is my favorite time of year.
Hummers are still buzzing around but they seem camera shy; every time I get my camera out, they fly to a near by tree. Grrrrr....  Maybe I will sit on the deck tomorrow and wait patiently for them to return with my camera in hand....maybe, just maybe they won't notice me. I just have to get myself to sit still for awhile......not easy lately.

Thanks for visiting and for all your fun comments. Do you know what this photo is? I will show you tomorrow in the extra; I couldn't load the original photo today.

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