Seaside Sun

The day did not go quite as planned. We had hoped to meet Katy and Colin at the coast for a walk before her birthday celebrations, but Mr C had to drive the camper van back to the dealer south of the Tyne as the gas wasn't working. He was gone all day, but it seems fixed now,

Meanwhile I had my biometrics appointment. I'm to get new insoles. She said the NHS no longer do toe operations, so no chance of surgery anyway. All the developments in what is no longer available on the NHS is not widely known, till you need it. She didn't think I'd get a steroid injection either. Heigh ho.

We met K and C at 6 at the coast, and celebrated her birthday with fizz in our camper van. We discovered we were no longer allowed to park overnight at the beach. The pub where we had a delicious seafood meal, The Fishing Boat Inn, said we could stay in their car park. We had both vans, so we all enjoyed a convivial evening without the inevitable discussions about whose turn it was to drive.

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