Still blessed with lepidopteron visitors and this grand Red Admiral is showing off the latest in spy equipment – those antennae have the latest 4G HDR image technology . . . so watch out !

Sporty Bits 1 . . . Love all of this news this week about the Brownlee Brothers. Grand Yorkshire folk and their music is grand indeed . . . Keep On Running by the Spencer Davies Group and . . . even better . . . He Ain’t Heavy He’s My Brother by the Holllies . . . oh yesssssss !

Sporty Bits 2 . . . At the start of this day, the final day of the County Cricket Season, 3 sides were in with a grand chance of winning – Middlesex, Somerset & Yorkshire ! Tense or what !

Sporty Bits 3 . . . Boro at home tomorrow and 3 points needed . . . a grand performance guaranteed whatever the outcome. In Aitor Karanka we have faith !

A busy weekend ahead for us . . . visitors from the other side of Yorkshire, a Choir Concert and Sporty Bits . . .

Hope you all have a grand weekend ahead !

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