Turkey in the snow...

This is our escaped pet turkey sitting at the top of a 60 foot high cottonwood tree in the middle of a snowstorm. She has no intention of being caught and we have no idea how to catch her. She has wings and she knows how to use them. Her last escape lasted two weeks and she was only recaptured because she fell asleep on a friendly neighbor's roof. She is a really neat bird, an interesting mix of curious and not very smart. We are hoping she gets hungry enough to go home, but since turkeys eat most anything that doesn't seem likely,

Today I am thankful for the geese and other birds I saw yesterday (I think I have become addicted to the huge flocks of birds at the wildlife refuges), the snow piling up steadily outside that will nourish the plants later this year, and the roof over our heads that is keeping us warm and dry (I am really fond of the roof).

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