Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica


Bit of a boring blip today!  I took some pictures of a small jumping spider but they are not at all good so the best I could do is this picture of mangoes really high up in the tree behind my house!  They will not be ready for a while as they are still small but I am looking forward to tasting them!

Had language class, then went to buy some groceries!  On Sunday when I was meeting a friend near a local shop, a man approached me and said he knew me from the airport (which I have been through only a couple   of times).  I said no, it must be someone else!  Then I heard on social media that the same man is targeting single women who he knows 'from the airport' and then he asks for a lift somewhere - thats when he robs you!  Having had a similar experience in Malawi, I told him to go away!

Today, at the supermarket, the same man saw me and followed me to my vehicle!  I just told him to go away but alerted the social media site of his location!  Thankfully not long after that he was arrested at the same shop and stolen items have been claimed by the women he robbed!

Moral of the story is to always be on your guard!  Its a sad world when we can't trust people we meet!!

Happy weekend everyone!

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