Childish chatter

I'm always pleasantly surprised by what good company Zion is given that he's 2! Sam was away all day so decided to take the kids into Birmingham. Zion and I ate tapas for lunch and he chattered away to me. Then we went to Birmingham museum which he loves - mainly because of a Victorian era replica mini sized kitchen they have there that he stands for ages 'cooking' me things at! (Gave me time to sit and feed Allegra - though I did get some weird looks as I sat on the floor being 'fed' stuff out of toy pans and breastfeeding a kid! Ha! Then I went round some shops and had a coffee while they slept. A good day out!

Then got to have the evening out at Romily's - child free, at a Tropic pamper evening learning about this all natural skin care and makeup range - seems really good!

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