A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister


Some sort of stripy buzzy thing. They were very adept at buzzing into a ray of light then whisking themselves off the instant I got focussed on them.

Some excitement in the monster hunting world in this new photo of the Loch Ness Monster. I can't help noticing it looks really small and close. The ususal sort of bitching and fighting has begun within the monster hunting community! They are still not as bad as UFOlogists though.

In other news, Edinburgh residents are too stupid to have a military jet flypast for the Tattoo. An event that has been happening for many years that I know of.

"One Portobello resident, who asked not to be named.....
not for a minute did I think it would be for the Tattoo."

Yeah, I think I can understand why you didn't want to be named.

Today I got a thank you card from a student. All of this wee group thanked me before they left. I hardly ever get thanked so that was really nice. :-)

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