Heavenly Hens!

It was just such a beautiful light! Once they had eaten the treats I had brought them they poddled off down the path to this spot and preened themselves in the morning sun! Every now and then the dew fell from the trees and they got a mini shower! Willow looked fine this morning and I nearly blipped her, well I could have blipped many of the 152 photos I took of them!!! Way too many on Flickr and at some point I will go through them and be more picky!
After having my hair cut and getting provisions for making jam and chutney,  I made the  raspberry jam then tidied the kitchen and played with Tilly and Polly who have stopped being broody now autumn has come - they have decided to moult instead! I'm quite excited to see what Polly looks like with proper wing feathers as her previous owners had clipped them. Henrietta and Izzy up on the allotment are also growing new ones - damn but life with chickens is so exciting!
I put all 3 coops away in the evening, and wouldn't you know the light was just golden! But knowing it was to be a chicken blip I left my camera at home - well you have to draw the line somewhere! 

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