Flower Friday with a bonus Hummer

Raining today so I didn't sit outside waiting for the hummer, but I quietly opened sliding glass door and stuck out my telephoto lens and got this confirmation that he was still here. This guy actually has a very magenta head but in the direction it looks mostly black. The composition is not the best on this one with wire attaching my two metal grids in the background, but I liked that I could include the Hot Lips Flowers so I can label it FF.

I included the photo I faffed with yesterday. It is a Clematis Seed Pod, technically not a flower petal according to the internet.  :-)) Most of you guessed flower petals so you were really on the right track and I wondered it I could say "no" since really the flower itself had transformed into a seed head.  Agreed?   See the extra for the original photo of the seed pod.

Thanks for visiting again today and for playing along with my challenge yesterday. You made me smile. Since I am a bit of the serious type, smiling is really good for me!!!!!!!

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