Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Crystal Caves

Up and out this morning. First stop was the General Sherman tree. Meant to be the oldest tree in the world. Very impressive and huge. From there it was a bit of a dash to get to the crystal Cave for our 11am tour. It was closer than we thought so didn’t have to rush. Fantastic cave and a good tour around it. Bit of a walk up and down but well worth it. From there we had a bite to eat near to the giant tree museum before heading out on the giant tree walk. Some fantastic trees but very strong harsh light to try and get any good photos. From there we headed back to the hotel via a small food market to get some dinner as the food in the hotel wasn’t great last night and very expensive for what it was along with the beer. Quiet night in to catch up on photos and pack for tomorrow.

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