creative lenna

By creativelenna

walk on wolfe island

we took a long walk yesterday, straight out the door from the cottage. As you can see it is very rural here on wolfe island, except for those strange things you might be able to see behind the grasses and the trees - the wind turbines. Wolfe Island has 86 (2.3 MW) wind turbines that have been in commercial operation since 2009 -the last time we visited. I have yet to find out how they have affected things here but they sure are strange and quite sci-fi looking especially when I see them . . . . lets see, looming above a large group of cows! When you walk close by them you can hear a soft whirring noise. There are some in the fields nearby, but not close enough to the cottage to be a bother as far as noise.

The power that is generated is not used here, but shipped elsewhere -it is part of Canadian Hydro. The land owners who agreed to participate receive supplementary income from having the turbines installed on their land and there are tax breaks for the community.

I will try to get some better photos . . . they are very strangely futuristic. Quite odd in combination with the rural atmosphere here. I backblipped yesterday's wolfe island sunset -you can use the calendar to go back and see if you like! With limited internet I am playing a bit of a 'catch as catch can' . . . .

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