Had a bad morning - doing too much and in some serious heat! Was in the (packed!) Nyons market to buy some presents to bring home (going to Scotland in 2 days' time!), then had to go to the mechanic to pay him for the work he did on my car (so much money!), and then I could go no further. Rang mum as she lives near the garage and went to hers for some respite (and a cold flannel!).
Ended up falling asleep at hers for 2 hours :) Woke up to a voicemail from the clinic to say our scan appointment was going to have to be put pack (no!). Then a second call saying actually could I just come 15 minutes earlier (phew!). We so wanted to have a wee check-up to see if the baby was doing OK. And to hopefully find out the sex before the Scotland trip.
The appointment went really well :) The baby was on all fours and after a bit of shoogling of my tummy, we got to find out the sex! Amazing :) Keeping it to a few people just now so we still have something to announce on the day he/she comes along :)
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