Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Ha Ha Ha Hack Splutter Cough

My Dear Fellow,

Disaster. As you know, our entire reason for being in London this weekend was to see Ricky Martin in concert, but I woke up rotten with a cold. 

I sort of felt it coming on yesterday but hoped it would stay at bay. Sadly no, by the evening, I was feeling hot and cold, sweaty and shaky and hacking, coughing, spluttering everywhere. Obviously the concert was out for me - even if I felt up to it, it would have been unfair to the other punters. And as for Er Indoors, well I couldn't really send her on her own.

She took it very well. We'd actually had a pretty good day. It's nice to spend time together. We don't get to do it very often. We'd been out earlier in the day before I started feeling really rubbish and had a few laughs.

However, the biggest laugh of the day came during an episode of "Dancing With The Stars" that was on my iPad. I was obliviously watching Jake and Jenna's dance routine when Er Indoors made the comment, "Oooh, that's an unfortunate dress." And of course, once I'd seen what she was talking about I couldn't un-see it.

Jenna's breezy and happy disposition while something appeared to be exploding out of the bottom of her costume struck me as the funniest thing I'd ever seen. Try though I might, a fit of giggles took over me as the poor woman jived and wiggled and did the splits and waved her leg right over her partner's head. I think it was that move which really finished me off, and I laughed until I couldn't even breathe through hacking and spluttering and sniggering and sneezing.

If there were any justice, I would have died. But there isn't and I live on. I'm actually laughing again looking at this picture I took of the iPad screen.

Poor Jenna.


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