4 Years....
...and this time it is official!!
I did receive a three day warning that my official four year blip was today, but it completely slipped my mind. I have had a very lazy day doing nothing except reading and nipping out for a little bit of shopping. I was pondering what to take a pic of when... Oh Blimey Charlie...I remembered it was number 1460. What could I do?
It is not very good, I know, but it represents what I enjoy doing....faffing around for hours with a photo!
I love blip. I love taking photos. I love sharing my journal and reading all the other ones on here. Most of all I love all you fab folk out there who tolerate my shenanigans, laugh with me, cry with me and are such great blip mates. Thank you for sharing the last four years with me and I hope you will all continue on our wonderful blip journey together.
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