Snow Dogs #2

Alan landed at Heathrow early this morning and was home for 9.30am bearing gifts from Rose.  She'd even sent doggy treats for the boys, which they love!  He had a good flight and slept all the way so hadn't eaten and was ready for breakfast, so we all went to Molly's at the beach for bacon sandwiches.

Vanessa left about 11.30 am and Alan wanted to go out, so as it's been another warm sunny day, we walked along the undercliff walk to the marina and had a Leffe beer at Cafe Rouge.  There are more Snow Dog sculptures at the marina, so after yesterday's blip, we went in search of them and today you have a collage: Blot the Dog (top left), Bone China (top right), Brighton Rock (bottom left) and Bow Wow (bottom right).  There's also a sand sculpture which I've added to my extras.

The walk home was harder as the jet lag was starting to kick in for Alan, and I was tired from my late night last night.  So we stopped at the beach cafe at Ovingdean and had a diet coke and then carried on our way - 18,765 steps in total today!  I think we'll be having an early night tonight.

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