Mr Roly's Life

By MrRoly

Babbit and Piiiiiig

We are looking after some friends Rabbit and guinea pig at the moment. They have an indoor cage that they have been living in. Mick also built A small run for their visit so they could spend some time outside. We also had a rabbit hutch that the chicks once lived in.

A few hours work and a few modifications later hutch and run are one! Babbit and Piiiig as red calls them, now have a luxury outdoor home, and our spending their first night in the great outdoors.

Very busy day today: did lots more animal husbandry cleaning chickens; de-liceing chickens; putting up a run for the chicks; mowing the lawn; tidying the garden and tackling the national debt of laundry. We even spent a couple of hours on the beach.

I shall sleep well

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