Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Pillow hogger.

The kitten not me.... she squeezed me out in the end ..
The three kittens don't answer to their names they do however ALL come running at the same time if you just shout KITTENS ASSEMBLE... I think that they will only have names for the purpose of the vets information ...
They are now on a diet of raw meat .. I researched it and with lots of help from Mrs Matthews (teacher at Jakes school,formerly Zoe,Eve and Lucy's school) I have got them eating healthy fresh uncooked meat .. and some egg .. and other gubbins needed to keep cats healthy ... my two older girls are starting to embrace the change from the boring dry kibble too and so are the dogs ...
they all also like white fish and sardines ......
not that they catch sardines in spring water in the Serengeti ... but anyway ....

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