A country walk

Saturday 24th Sept 2016 (1491)

A great night with Huddsbird last night. We went out to our favourite Chinese buffet. Lots of talking.   

This morning we packed a picnic and headed off to plan my next walk for the walking group. We set off from Burscough Bridge towards Martin Mere. We hit a problem at one point when the footpath we wanted across a field didn't seem to exist and we had to retrace our steps a short distance. When we arrived at the back of Martin Mere we hit a similar problem as the footpath had been closed and diverted. The diversion was unclear. We followed what we thought was the right way, which took us to the main entrance. We stopped to enquire about the diversion and they pointed us back the way we had come, so once again we were retracing our steps quite a distance! The walk took us alongside the reed beds and then by the railway line, before joining the canal back to Burscough. The 5 mile walk had turned into nearly 7 by the time we reached the car. At least it will be easier for the group next week. 

We spotted this Heron by the canal. He was not bothered by us and allowed us to get very close. 

Physivic also came along for the ride - see extra. 

After the walk we went into St Helens for a bit of shopping and a look round the art gallery at The World of Glass, then it was back home for an evening meal. 

A lovely day as usual when we get together.  

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