That's more like it!
At last! From THIS to THIS! :)))
I'm almost afraid to say this but we've had 4 gorgeous days in a row and it's set to be good over the weekend too! Woo hoo! Summer at last!
I have sat outside in our new garden this week more times than I sat in the garden of our old house in the 15 years we lived there! Fantastic!
Today my best pal Agnes brought her sister J to visit and we sat in the sun drinking tea and soft drinks (we were being good for once!) and I am not ashamed to say, making utter pigs of ourselves. There was iced madeira cake, lemon cupcakes, choc chip cookies, Cadbury's mini rolls and chocolate covered cookies....we ate the bloody lot! We were like the three little pigs! OINK!
All scoffed while discussing growing up together and howling with laughter at remembering old boyfriends! A really lovely afternoon.
For some reason I've been singing THIS song since they left! :-))
Happy Friday Blip Pals....hope you have a great weekend. xxx
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