Sunny Dunny

Bit of a sluggish start after the long trip back down the road but went along to Dunny with the bike and the new wheels and compared tales of chest infections. It's in for a service and I'm hoping to get out again next week.

After that it was down to the harbour for a quick blip and then round the corner for a supermarket sweep.

Into the cafe for a coffee and a catch up with Cam before he heads off to NY tomorrow.

Then it was a day of pottering and footie watching until Joe came home from Rory's and it was Steak Night.

After that we sat around on the sofa and I read Fup out loud to everyone. There were tears. There always are. Cracking wee book though. Never get tired of it.

Had a phone call from Ruby this evening, she's away at an outdoor pursuit centre with school. Sound very wet and very cold. I've promised her a hot bath and a hot curry will be waiting for her tomorrow.

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