A day in the life...

“Every school is a repository of unconscious sentiments and expectations that carry the code of the collective dream – the high ground to which they aspire.” - Deal & Peterson, Shaping School Culture (1999)

A long day.  In school by 8.30 for "back to school" day to meet the parents, the purpose of which is to talk about the courses I teach to their offspring. Then after lunch, a three hour stretch in the library working on my Masters Dissertation (UK) Thesis (US). At the moment it is almost twice as many words as required, and I haven't written up the Data analysis yet. 

Late afternoon, Reagan (neighbour friend colleague) took me with him in his car to the supermarket. Luxury. Living on campus, in the attic apartment of a building that is near the top of what is a challenge of a hill - and with no car - grocery shopping is always a major event. So nice to load up the trolley, then load up his car - and then, back home, he loaded himself  and carried it all up four flights of stairs for me. Thank you. Marvellous. 

After a nap (!) an evening spent kitchen cleaning while half watching TV and thinking about and tinkering with (deleting) my written word, till at the end of this very long day I suddenly remembered I had no photo to represent it. Rather blurred (hand held), the view is of Bingham building, (girls residence) as seen from my kitchen window at 23.00.  It seems I am not the only one awake and working ...

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