Bitter River

By shaun22


by Autolux

back in athens, after a hectic day of trying to find a ride.
finally found one with eric : )
even managed to grab some white castle on the way back.

last day with laura was good, but way too short.
(not a 'full' day, so no counter today)
the weather finally cooperated for a full day.
it was nice.

while outside i saw some (giant) feathers from the (previously mentioned) birds of prey,
along with some mystery of nature~ any insight thankfully accepted : )

came home to a notice stating that hot water and gas are turned off due to a gas leak,
and wont be back til tuesday or wednesday.
so now i have to find somewhere else to shower for the next few days.

then spent the next hour or so rearranging the apartment,
to put a free entertainment center to use
(given by the guy next door, moved out of the apt during finals,
and no longer had use for it).

at least i dont have any monday classes so i still have one more day of 'break'
: )

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