
By ChrisGroucutt

Flippin' bottles

The lad has been a tad obsessed of late with the water bottle flipping game. If you don't know this one... it's where you fill a bottle of water about a third full, then simply try and flip it and make it land and stand upright after a somersault. (The bottle does a somersault, not you... that's an entirely different trick).

Now I'm not saying it's addictive... but... it's bloody addictive. I've landed it a few times, but the lad has developed a fair bit of skill. (He's progressed to the 'so many times in a row' level now.. unlike me who runs around the place screaming like I've just scored at Wembley if I get it to happen once).

Gotta love these fads... there's always something new to come along and distract us. Wonder what the next one will be...?


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